Larkin Poe – MilkBoy – Philadelphia, PA – April 20, 2016 – Photo by Caroline Serling © 2016
Larkin Poe – MilkBoy – Philadelphia, PA – April 20, 2016
Pure Girl Power.
Larkin Poe made their presence heard loud and clear Wednesday night at the very intimate venue, MilkBoy, in downtown Philadelphia. The two sisters, Rebecca and Megan Lovell, emerged on stage wearing all black, in true rock star fashion. They rocked harder than I have ever seen before.
The sisters immediately dove into their first song, “Hey Sinner,” which featured heavy southern harmonies and hardcore guitar solos. Rebecca, on vocals and guitar, evoked strong, soulful feelings by using her extremely powerful, deep voice. Megan added background vocals and rocked out on the slide guitar, complimenting Rebecca’s part beautifully. They then moved into what they call their sister love song, “Stubborn Love.”

Larkin Poe – MilkBoy – Philadelphia, PA – April 20, 2016 – Photo by Caroline Serling © 2016
The whole concert was very intimate, with the girls pausing in between each song to share a story or speak with the audience. Each song performed had a narrative and strong meaning driving the musical choices and lyrics. Rebecca said that she got her inspiration for the next song, “Blunt,” from scary newspaper headlines and the dark things that happen in this world. It was an emotional song that aspired to help listeners and young people alike find their paths in this world.
The next song “Dark Matter” was written as a retrospective of their childhood. Growing up in the 1990’s, they saw a lot of change; both good and bad. This song was a reflection of those times and was a nice transition from the previous song. Many of Larkin Poe’s songs were deep and dark, not surprising, considering their great-great-great-grandfather, after whom they named the group, was a distant cousin of classic horror writer Edgar Allen Poe. However, this bleak vision didn’t make the audience feel sad. The songs were empowering, passionate, and extremely inspirational.

Larkin Poe – MilkBoy – Philadelphia, PA – April 20, 2016 – Photo by Caroline Serling © 2016
What I loved about this concert was the enormous presence of pure girl power. These two sisters got up on that stage and killed it, and honestly, as I said above, I’ve never seen anybody rock out harder. Their empowerment anthem “Don’t” highlights the spirit of strong, independent women who are making things happen for themselves.
Getting to see these women rock was an honor, especially considering their already impressive track record. They recently performed on Conan and have collaborated with huge names such as Mumford and Sons. They have also toured the world with Elvis Costello, beginning in Germany and traveling all throughout Europe and the United States. While these women might not be extremely well known yet, they will be. Their unique style and captivating songs will lead them nowhere but up.
Caroline Serling
Copyright ©2016 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: April 25, 2016.
Photos by Caroline Serling © 2016