Troy Garity and Jason Donovan at the Philadelphia premiere of Ballers.
Hanging with the Ballers
Professional Football isn’t all that meets the eye. There is a whole different game behind the scenes: from lying and cheating to using drugs and partying. The hit HBO show Ballers explores exactly that.
In the first season of the series Spencer Strasmore, played by Dwayne Johnson, is struggling to find what to do with his life now that he has retired from the NFL. Currently he is working in the sports side of a company called Anderson Financial. He labors closely with his partner Joe, who is played by Rob Corddry. Also in the group is Jason, who is played by Troy Garity, because Jason is the contact with different teams, and players. Their job is to keep an eye on player’s money, and figure out new deals with players when moving to different teams.
Throughout the first season, Spencer and Joe are struggling to find new candidates for the company, while the boss Mr. Anderson is frustrated with them not finding work. While still struggling to find new athletes, Spencer hooks up with Vernon, played by Donovan Carter, a new football player trying to get him a new contract with the Dallas Cowboys.
All the while Vernon’s “friend” Reggie, played by London Brown, is trying to get the biggest deal that Vernon can really get. Really the only deal that Reggie wants is one that Reggie has a huge benefit from (Show me the money!). While trying to figure out the money and team situation with Vernon, Spencer and Joe are finding some new candidates, yet Mr. Anderson is still harping on them to reel in the biggest athletes.

Troy Garity, Jason Donovan and PopEntertainment.com’s Maggie Mitchell at the Philadelphia premiere of Ballers.
Continuing through the season Spencer is struggling with a small drug problem. When stressed you find him chewing a few pain relievers. Towards the end of the season Spencer and Joe are stuck with a scandal dealing with Vernon’s future and his career. Once that gets summed up Joe and Spencer are stuck with a decision: to start their own company or to stay with Anderson Financial. Which will they choose, though? You’ll have to watch the season to find out.
Season two premiered on Sunday, July 17th at 10 PM, but PopEntertainment.com saw it first. We recently attended the season two premiere party at Xfinity Live in Philadelphia on July 12th. We were greeted with food, drinks and some great music playing. We were seated as they introduced the two actors that would be there, Troy Garity who plays Jason and Donovan Carter who plays Vernon. They then did a quick meet and greet where they took pictures with all the guest attending.
After an hour or so we sat down to be introduced to the first two episodes of season two. What can you expect from the new season? We don’t want to spoil anything, so we will keep it brief! It starts off with Spencer branching out and working with different companies. Yet, Vernon is still struggling with team problems, and Reggie problems. Spencer and Joe are still working together with Jason. That the briefest the summary can be! Make sure that you tune in to season 2. It’s incredible!
Maggie Mitchell
Copyright ©2016 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: July 20, 2016.
Photos ©2016 Maggie Mitchell. All rights reserved.