Kiefer Sutherland
Kiefer Sutherland Hits the Road
Kiefer Sutherland, highwayman and guitar-slinger? Yeah, it surprised us too.
Not that an actor is a frustrated musician, you hear of that all the time. However, much like the inscrutable secret agent Jack Bauer from 24, which cemented Sutherland’s stardom, his sidelight as a singer songwriter seems to have been top secret.
Even more surprising, his coming debut album Down in a Hole seems to be a country record. Not current bro-country, of course, but an old school Americana troubadour alt-country platter with pedal steel guitars weeping over his whiskey-soaked Tom Waits-esque vocals.
“If I hear about an actor doing a music project, my eyes are the first to roll,” Sutherland recently told Rolling Stone. “It’s been done before and, on some levels, not very well. A lot of actors make records but won’t tour to support them or make videos, and it ends up not being serious. I felt strongly that this was something I wanted to do.”
Sutherland is willing to put his money where his mouth is. Literally, he is self-funding his first tour, which will be stopping at World Cafe Live at the Queen in Wilmington on May 11 and the Sellersville Theater outside of Philadelphia on May 26.
He also appeared on The American Country Music Awards recently, also showing his devotion to the music. The self-confessed rock fan is also a huge follower of the country outlaw movement, pointing out Kris Kristofferson, Johnny Cash and Waylon Jennings as huge inspirations.
To get a sip of Kiefer’s music before the summer album release, be sure to check out Sutherland’s new single, “Not Enough Whiskey.”
If you’re close to one of Sutherland’s gigs, it is totally worth the trip. There shouldn’t be enough whiskey in the world for you to miss this.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2016 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: May 9, 2016.