The Struts – The Observatory – Santa Ana, Ca. – March 29, 2016 – Photo by Cynthia Marie H © 2016.
The Struts & Bleeker – The Observatory – Santa Ana, Ca. – March 29, 2016
If there’s one thing that I love as a music enthusiast, it’s a great concert. I wanted a night of rock ’n’ roll debauchery and that’s exactly what The Struts gave me. Kicking off the second night on their US headlining tour, vocalist Luke Spiller, guitarist Adam Slack, bassist Jed Elliott, and drummer Gethin Davies delivered an energetic, glamorous and intimate set at the Observatory in Santa Ana on Tuesday March 29th.

Bleeker – The Observatory – Santa Ana, Ca. – March 29, 2016 – Photo by Cynthia Marie H © 2016.
As the doors opened, the energetic fans filled the empty venue. Thrilled to see the up-and-coming British rock band perform their favorite songs, the crowd quickly turned their attention to Canadian rock band Bleeker. Vocalist Taylor Perkins, Guitarist Dan Steinke and Cole Perkins, Bassist Mike Van Dyk and newly inducted drummer Chris Dimas captivated the audience with their infectious rock sound and catchy lyrics. They kept the party going from start to finish and left a great impression on old and new fans. They’re definitely a force to be reckoned with.

The Struts – The Observatory – Santa Ana, Ca. – March 29, 2016 – Photo by Cynthia Marie H © 2016.
As the house lights turned off and the music faded, the once-calm crowd turned into a sea of madness. The Struts opened the show with their song “Roll Up” off their debut album Everybody Wants. With his 70’s inspired outfits and outrageous vocals; Luke took command of the stage and led the crowd on a musical journey. The audience danced and sung every lyric to songs such as “These Times are Changing”, “Dirty Sexy Money” and “The Ole Switcheroo.” Adam, Jed and Gethin poured their hearts out on to their instruments as they dazzled everyone with their tasty guitar licks, roaring bass lines and intense drum solos.

The Struts – The Observatory – Santa Ana, Ca. – March 29, 2016 – Photo by Cynthia Marie H © 2016.
The Struts ended their set with an acoustic version of their song “Black Swan” and their hit single “Where Did She Go?” As the house lights came on and the crowd fled the venue, you could see everyone crashing from their rock ’n’ roll high. The Struts have started a real rock revival and anyone who says that rock ’n’ roll is dead clearly hasn’t seen The Struts.
Carly Wasserman
Copyright ©2016 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: March 31, 2016.
Photos ©2016 Cynthia Marie H. All rights reserved.
#CynthiaMarieH #March29 #LukeSpiller #TheObservatory #EverybodyWants #CarlyWasserman #SantaAna #WhereDidSheGo #TaylorPerkins #JedElliott #ColePerkins #DirtySexyMoney #RollUp #2016 #GethinDavies #BlackSwan #MikeVanDyk #TheseTimesAreChanging #DanSteinke #Bleeker #TheStruts #TheOleSwitcheroo #AdamSlack #ChrisDimas